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Back to School Season is Here... How Are You Feeling?

So besides going to Target and searching through the picked-apart bins of overpriced school supplies, what can you do to properly prepare yourself for this season? 

by Sophie Shemirani, Therapist-in-Training @ Sol Health
August 21, 2024
3 min read

Back to School Season is Here... How Are You Feeling?

So besides going to Target and searching through the picked-apart bins of overpriced school supplies, what can you do to properly prepare yourself for this season? 

by Sophie Shemirani, Therapist-in-Training @ Sol Health

August 21, 2024

3 min read

It’s time to start closing out our summer bucket lists and getting ourselves prepared for the start of a new school year. Some of us may be feeling anxious about getting back into the groove, while others are excited to return to their normal routines. For many of us, it’s a mix of both emotions. Whether you're going back to college, back to teaching, starting a new role, or simply entering this new season, transitions are challenging and require patience and preparation. How well you mentally and physically prepare yourself for a change in lifestyle can make it 10x easier to transition and thrive in the new routine. So besides going to Target and searching through the picked-apart bins of overpriced school supplies, what can you do to properly prepare yourself for this season? 

Sleep is essential for our brains and bodies to function properly, and if we are lacking adequate quality sleep, we will see the burden it takes on our daily life. While everyone's needs are different, a vast majority of individuals need between 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. A typical good night's rest would imply that you got into bed feeling fatigued, fell asleep within 15-20 minutes of hitting the pillow, and slept throughout the entirety of the night. You wake up feeling well rested and able to take on the day without needing 3 cups of coffee first thing in the morning just to open your eyes. While summer time may mean more time for sleeping in, getting back into a regular bedtime routine and schedule a few weeks earlier to the start of school will help our bodies and brains slowly adapt back. 

Decluttering our space and setting up our environment for success is another way to go into this season feeling refreshed and prepared. Take one room at a time to tidy up and get rid of unnecessary clutter. Having a clean and minimalistic space has been shown to improve productivity levels. Make sure your environment aligns with how you want to feel and behave. Decorate your space in a way that showcases who you are and how you want to feel in it. Everyone has their own style, and finding it can allow us to really show off our creativity. Organizing our space tends to also organize our mind, and can help us enter this season with a less cluttered approach. 

Food is fuel. Make sure you are taking proper care of your body by feeding it wholesome, nutrient-rich meals throughout the day. Without enough gas in our tank, we can’t expect to get very far. The same goes for our bodies. Maybe this school year you plan to meal prep. Prepping ingredients at the start of the week to have on hand for a quick bite is incredibly convenient, and also a good way to save money by keeping us away from the quick drive-thrus. Make it a priority to grocery shop before the week begins, that way you have all you need on hand and ready to go. 

I know some of us are feeling overwhelmed about getting back into a routine. The end of summer can also bring on some sadness, as we know the winter is approaching and we most likely have less sunlight during the day. If you are struggling to approach this back to school season, remind yourself that your feelings are completely normal. Transitions are difficult, and having someone to talk to and work through this adjustment time can be super beneficial. Sol health is here to help by offering affordable, convenient online therapy with the best-educated therapists in training. This high quality form of therapy is perfect for all of the college students that may not be able to afford the high-cost services that can range up to hundreds of dollars per session. Sol health is available for college students at only $30 per session, and the first screening call is free. Schedule a call to get matched with the right therapist that will suit your needs. We all need help with transitions and big life changes, and having a therapist on hand is probably one of the best things you can do for your overall well-being.